Contact Us
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Vaidyasala & Nursing Home
Mezhathur, Trithala- 679 534 , Palakkad Dt,
Kerala, India.

WHATS APP: 9400432255 (Reception)
WHATS APP: 6238645167 (NH Booking)

0466-2962044,2932755, 2272255 (Office)


0466 2962066 (VM Narayanan (Mg. Partner)

2272403 (Ashtavaidyan Vaidyamadham Neelakandhan Namboodiri)

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V.M.Narayanan :2272066, 2272426. 

Vaidyamadham Neelakandhan Namboodiri :0466 2962066 

Vaidyamadham Krishnan Namboodiri :0466 2962404

Vaidyamadham Vasudevan Namboodiri :0466 2912626 

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